The Perfect Steak Every Time: How Long To Cook Steak In Oven?

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Do you love steak but hate the hassle of cooking it on the stove? Well, have no fear, because in this blog post we will teach you how to cook steak in the oven! The best part is that you can have a perfectly cooked steak every time. How long to cook steak in oven?” – All you need is a little bit of knowledge and some simple tips and tricks. So let’s get started!

What temperature to cook steak in oven celsius?

Cooking a steak in the oven can be a tricky process, as overcooking it will result in a tough and dry texture. When cooking steak in the oven, the ideal temperature to use is between 180 degrees Celsius and 200 degrees Celsius (356-392 Fahrenheit).

If you have a thicker cut of steak, then you may wish to increase the temperature slightly. The length of time that your steak should be cooked will depend on how thick it is, with thicker cuts needing more time.

  • Generally speaking, for a medium-rare steak, you should cook it for 10 minutes per 2cm/0.8-inch thickness at 180C (356F).
  • For medium, cook for 12 minutes per 2cm/0.8-inch thickness at 190C (374F).

You can increase or decrease the temperature depending on your desired level of doneness; just adjust accordingly so that your steak doesn’t become too dry or undercooked.

If you want to add flavor and promote browning on your steak, brushing it with some butter or oil before placing it in the oven is also recommended.

  • To check whether your steak is done to perfection, use an instant-read thermometer which should register 55C (130F) for rare steaks, 60C (140F) for medium-rare steaks, and 65C (150F) for medium steaks.
  • Finally, make sure to keep an eye on your oven temperatures as they can vary widely even within the same model of oven.

How to cook steak in oven?

Cooking steak in the oven is a great way to get juicy, tender, and flavorful steak without using a grill or stovetop. The key to getting perfectly cooked steak is to watch the temperature closely and adjust the timing accordingly.

  • To begin, preheat your oven to 400°F and set a cast iron skillet or another heavy-duty pan inside. Make sure that your steak has been brought to room temperature before cooking.
  • Rub with olive oil, salt, pepper, and any seasonings you like (rosemary, thyme, and garlic are all good choices). Once the oven is preheated and the skillet hot, place your steak onto the skillet and let it cook for 6 minutes per side for medium-rare doneness.
  • Use an instant-read thermometer for more accuracy if you wish. For medium doneness cook for 8 minutes per side and for well done 10 minutes per side.
  • After cooking each side of your steak let it rest on a cutting board or plate tented with foil while you make your favorite sides or sauces. Finally, enjoy your delicious steak! 

When it comes to seasoning your steak before cooking in the oven, you can use just about anything you’d like. Depending on what type of flavor profile you’re going for; try out different herbs such as rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil, or garlic powder as well as spices such as cumin, curry powder, or paprika.

If you want something more traditional; opt for salt & pepper instead! You can even add some Worcestershire sauce into the mix or top off with lemon juice after cooking for added flavor dimension. Make sure not to proceed until all sides of your steak have been covered in seasoning evenly so that when cooked it won’t be too salty in one area but bland somewhere else! 

In addition to seasoning before putting them into the oven make sure to use enough oil on both sides of the steaks so that they won’t stick during the cooking time – this will also help create a crusty exterior when cooked at high temperatures in an oven.

When placing steaks onto a preheated pan make sure it’s hot enough prior so that searing will occur when steaks are dropped onto the surface resulting in even better flavor & texture! Don’t forget that steaks should be at room temperature prior to being placed into the oven otherwise, they will take much longer than expected resulting in tougher pieces of meat after cooking. 

Finally when checking whether steaks are ready – use an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the meat rather than pressing down on them with a fork & poking holes as this will dry out the interior leaving a less juicy & tender piece of meat once served!

For medium-rare doneness look for an internal temp around 125°F whereas 135°F works best for medium/medium-well-done pieces of meat – just remember these temps may vary depending on the thickness of cut & quality grade so adjust according to personal preference!

How to cook fillet steak in the oven?

Cooking fillet steak in the oven is an easy but delicious way to prepare a great meal.

  • To begin, take your fillet steak out of the fridge and let it rest at room temperature for 15 minutes before cooking. Preheat your oven to 375°F (or 190°C).
  • Rub a generous amount of olive oil over both sides of the steak, followed by a generous helping of coarse sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper.
  • Place the steak onto an oven-safe tray or roasting pan that has been lightly greased with a small amount of oil. Bake the steak for 15-20 minutes, depending on your desired doneness.
  • For medium rare, you should bake it for 15 minutes; for medium or well-done steaks, you should increase this time to 20 minutes or more.
  • Once finished baking, let your steak rest for five minutes before slicing and serving in order to allow its juices to redistribute properly throughout the meat.

The key to making sure your fillet steak comes out juicy and tender is in controlling how long you cook it in the oven. If you are unsure of how long you should cook it for, use a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the steak to determine when it’s done – 135°F (or 57°C) for rare; 145°F (or 63°C) for medium rare; 160°F (or 71°C) for medium; and 170°F (or 77°C) for well done.

Be sure to remove your fillet steak from the oven when reaching these temperatures as it will continue cooking even after removing from the heat source due to residual heat still trapped inside your meat. Enjoy!

How to cook steak in the oven without searing?

Cooking steak in the oven without searing is an easy and delicious way to enjoy steak.

  • To start, preheat an oven to 400°F (204°C). Season the steak with salt and pepper, as well as any other desired seasonings. Grease a baking sheet or roasting pan lightly with oil, then place the steak on it.
  • Place the pan in the oven and bake for about 10 minutes for medium-rare doneness or 12 minutes for medium. To ensure even cooking of both sides, turn the steak over halfway through cooking time.
  • When done, remove from oven and tent loosely with foil to allow it to rest for 5 minutes before serving. This will help the steak retain moisture and become juicier when cut into it.

When cooking steak in the oven without searing, keep in mind that because of less surface contact with direct heat than when searing, you will not get a nice browned crust on top; however, you can create one by sprinkling some breadcrumbs mixed with butter on top of the steak before baking. For extra flavor and juiciness, instead of simply using oil to grease your pan you may use a mixture of butter and oil together.

You can also marinate your steaks prior to baking them; just make sure whatever marinade you use doesn’t contain too much sugar or sweeteners as this will cause it to burn faster in the high heat of the oven.

Lastly, always be aware that cooking times may vary depending on how thick your steaks are; thicker steaks require more time, and thinner ones less so. With all this information in hand, you are ready to enjoy a delicious plate of tender juicy steak without needing any special equipment or skills!

How to cook rump steak in oven?

Cooking rump steak in the oven is a great way to get a delicious, tender steak.

  • First, let’s start with the preparation of the steak. Before cooking, season both sides of the steak and place it into a shallow dish. Make sure to pat dry the steak with paper towels to remove any excess moisture.
  • Then, rub some oil over the surface of the steak with your fingers or use a pastry brush. This will help create a nice sear when you cook it later on.
  • Next, heat a large skillet on medium-high heat and put enough oil just to coat the bottom of the pan. When the oil is hot enough, place your steak in and leave it for about 3 minutes per side or until it’s golden brown.
  • Once that’s done, transfer the steak onto a baking sheet and cover it with aluminum foil. Now preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and bake for approximately 10 minutes for medium-rare or 12 minutes for well done (depending on how thick your steaks are).
  • After that time has passed, take out your steaks from the oven and let them rest before serving—this helps keep all those flavorful juices inside! And there you have it! You now know how to perfectly cook rump steak in an oven so you can enjoy some delectable cuts of beef at home!

What is the ideal cooking time for steak in the oven?

The ideal cooking time for steak in the oven will depend on several factors, including the size and cut of the steak, as well as how you prefer your steak cooked.

Generally speaking, a 1-inch thick steak should be cooked at 425°F for around 10-14 minutes for medium rare. For medium doneness, add another 2 minutes of cooking time per side, and for well done, add an additional 4 minutes per side.

It’s important to remember that all ovens cook differently, so use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature if you’re not sure. The perfect temperature for medium rare is 120-125°F (50-52°C). Once you reach that point, remove your steak from the oven and let it rest on a plate or cutting board covered with foil for 5 minutes before serving so that it can retain its juices.

See more: The Perfect Steak: How Long Can You Marinate Steak?

Is it better to bake or roast a steak in the oven?

Baking or roasting a steak in the oven is an excellent way to maximize flavor and texture.

  • Baking will yield a more tender cut of beef, while roasting will give it a nice sear. When baking, preheat the oven to 350°F and season your steaks with oil, salt, pepper, herbs, and spices. Cover the pan with aluminum foil before placing it in the oven.
  • Roasting also requires preheating the oven to 350°F but instead of covering the pan with foil, use a baking sheet lined with parchment paper for easy cleanup. Season your steaks with oil, salt, pepper, rosemary, garlic powder, onion powder, and any other herbs and spices you desire.

Both baking and roasting take about 15-20 minutes per inch of thickness so make sure to measure your steak’s thickness before starting.

Additionally, use kitchen tongs or an instant-read thermometer to check for doneness—steaks are usually done when they reach an internal temperature of 145°F for medium-rare or 160°F for medium-well doneness.

Ultimately both methods produce tasty results and it simply comes down to personal preference!

What are some tips for cooking a perfect steak in the oven?

Cooking a perfect steak in the oven begins with selecting a quality cut of meat. Look for steaks that are marbled with fat, since the fat helps to break down the fibers of the steak and add flavor.

Next, season your steak generously with salt and pepper or your favorite dry rub. Preheat your oven to 375°F, place the steaks on a wire rack over an oven-safe baking sheet and cook for about 10-12 minutes per side (depending on thickness).

You can also use an instant-read thermometer to check for doneness; rare is 130-135°F, medium rare is 140-145°F and medium is 150-155°F. Once done, let your steak rest for at least 5 minutes before enjoying it. For added flavor, brush melted butter or oil onto the top of each steak while cooking, or after they’ve finished cooking (this will help create a nice crispy crust).

Finally, try not to overcook your steak; this will cause it to become tough and dry out. With those easy steps, you should be well on your way to creating the perfect steak in the oven!

Can I put my steak on a baking sheet or should I use a foil pan?

It is recommended to use a foil pan when cooking steak on a baking sheet.

Using a foil pan can help to prevent the steak from sticking to the baking sheet and make cleaning up easier. Foil pans also provide an even distribution of heat, which helps ensure that the steak cooks evenly rather than overcooking in certain spots and undercooking in others.

Additionally, when using a foil pan, you can add butter, herbs, or spices to the bottom of the pan for additional flavor. To prevent burning or charring, be sure to use enough fat in your foil pan when cooking steak.

For maximum flavor and tenderness, it is important to cook steak at high temperatures for a short time period so that it does not become dry and tough.


How to cook steak in the oven only?

Cooking a steak in the oven only is easy once you know the basics.

  • Start by preheating your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and rubbing your steak with olive oil on both sides.
  • Next, season your steak with salt and pepper on both sides. Place the steak on a foil-lined baking sheet or baking dish and place it in the oven for about 15 to 20 minutes, depending on how well done you want it.
  • You can check for doneness by inserting an instant-read thermometer into the thickest part of the meat; for medium-rare, aim for 130 to 135 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Once finished, take it out of the oven and let it rest for 5 minutes before serving. This allows some of the juices from the steak to redistribute throughout, resulting in a juicier cut of meat.

How long to cook steak in oven at 400?

Cooking steak in the oven at 400 degrees is a great way to make a juicy and flavorful steak.

  • To cook your steak to the desired doneness, allow it to bake for approximately 18-20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the steak. For example, a 1-inch thick steak should be baked for about 18 minutes for medium rare, 19 minutes for medium, and 20 minutes for well done.
  • Additionally, consider that the internal temperature of the steak will continue to rise as it rests outside of the oven before you plate it. Taking this into consideration, you can remove your steak from the oven a few degrees lower than your desired doneness and let it rest before serving.
  • Since all ovens vary in temperature, always use an instant-read thermometer to check the internal temperature of your steak – 125-130 degrees is considered rare; 130-135 is medium rare; 135-145 is medium; 145-155 is medium well; and 155-165 is well done. Enjoy!

How long to cook steak in oven at 350?

Cooking steak in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit is a great way to enjoy a juicy, succulent cut of steak. The time it takes to cook the steak depends on the thickness of the cut; for thicker cuts, you’ll need to increase your cooking time.

Generally speaking, for steaks that are about one inch thick, you should cook them for about 10 minutes in the preheated oven. This will give you a medium-rare steak with plenty of juices and flavor. For slightly more well-done results, you can add an extra few minutes to the cooking time.

Additionally, if you’d like to add a bit of extra flavor, add some butter or olive oil to the steak before placing it in the oven. This will help create a flavorful crust that seals in all those delicious juices and gives your steak an added burst of flavor!

How long to cook steak in oven after searing?

Cooking steak in the oven after searing it on the stovetop is a quick and easy way to cook the perfect medium-rare steak. Depending on the thickness of the steak, it should take approximately 8 minutes in a preheated 400°F oven after being seared for 2 minutes per side on the stovetop.

The most important thing to remember when cooking a steak in this way is to use an instant-read thermometer to ensure that your steak reaches an internal temperature of 125°F for medium-rare. It’s important to monitor your steak diligently so that you don’t overcook it!

To make sure you get juicy and tender results, let your steak rest for at least 10 minutes before cutting or serving. This will give time for the juices to redistribute throughout the cut of meat and ensure that it remains nice and juicy when served.

How long to cook steak in oven at 425?

Cooking steak in the oven at 425 degrees Fahrenheit is a great way to get an evenly cooked cut of meat. The length of time you need to cook steak in the oven at 425 degrees depends on the thickness and desired doneness of your steak.

For a 1” thick piece of steak, you would typically cook it in the oven for 8-10 minutes for medium-rare doneness. Depending on how thick your steak is, you may need to add an additional 2 minutes per side for every ¼ inch increase in thickness.

It’s important to use a meat thermometer when cooking steak so that you can determine when it has reached your desired temperature. Generally, medium-rare should be around 130-135 °F and medium should be 140-145°F. Always let your steak rest for about 5 minutes before serving so that all of the juices are retained and it will remain juicy and flavorful!

How long to cook steak in oven at 450?

Cooking steak in the oven at a temperature of 450 degrees Fahrenheit is an efficient and easy way to prepare it. Depending on how you prefer your steak cooked, the time can range from 7 to 15 minutes.

Rare steak typically requires 7 minutes of cooking, while medium-rare steak needs around 10 minutes, and medium steaks should be cooked for 12 minutes. For a well-done steak, it will take approximately 15 minutes to cook at 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

Additionally, when cooking steaks in the oven, you should always preheat the oven before putting the steaks in and also let them rest for 5 minutes after they are done baking. Preheating helps ensure that all parts of the steak are evenly cooked and resting allows the juices to be absorbed back into the meat before serving.

How long to cook steak in oven at 375?

Cooking steak in the oven at a temperature of 450 degrees Fahrenheit is an efficient and easy way to prepare it. Depending on how you prefer your steak cooked, the time can range from 7 to 15 minutes.

Rare steak typically requires 7 minutes of cooking, while medium-rare steak needs around 10 minutes, and medium steaks should be cooked for 12 minutes. For a well-done steak, it will take approximately 15 minutes to cook at 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

Additionally, when cooking steaks in the oven, you should always preheat the oven before putting the steaks in and also let them rest for 5 minutes after they are done baking. Preheating helps ensure that all parts of the steak are evenly cooked and resting allows the juices to be absorbed back into the meat before serving.


Steak is a classic dish that can be cooked in so many ways. We’ve shown you how to cook steak in the oven, but there are other methods like pan frying or grilling that will give your steak a delicious flavor.

Experiment with different cooking times and temperatures to find what gives you the perfect level of doneness for your taste buds. With just a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to cook the perfect steak every time. Thanks for reading our guide on how long to cook steak in oven!