Get It Right Every Time: How Long To Cook Pork Tenderloin In Oven At 400?

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Are you looking for the perfect way to cook pork tenderloin in the oven at 400? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this guide, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how long to cook pork tenderloin in oven at 400.

We’ll cover all of the essential details related to temperature, time, technique and more. With these simple tips and helpful advice, you’ll be able to prepare a delicious dish every time. So let’s get started and find out how to make your pork tenderloin turn out perfectly cooked with this comprehensive guide on how long to cook pork tenderloin in oven at 400.

What is pork tenderloin?

Clear what is different between pork loin and pork tenderloin

Pork loin and pork tenderloin are two distinct cuts of meat that have some similarities, but also notable differences. Though they are both versatile, lean cuts of pork, the two are not interchangeable.

  • Pork loin is a large cut of meat that comes from the back and runs along the spine of the pig. It is typically sold as a roast, or cut into chops or steaks.
  • Pork tenderloin, on the other hand, is a much smaller cut of meat taken from the muscle attached to the spine and located near the hip. It is slender in shape and has a mild, delicate flavor.

Healthy facts of pork tenderloin

1. Pork tenderloin is high in protein, providing 19.9 grams per 3-ounce serving. 

2. It is also an excellent source of B vitamins, selenium, and phosphorus. 

3. Lean cuts of pork tenderloin are low in fat and calories compared to other proteins, making it a great choice for those looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy diet. 

4. Pork tenderloin is an excellent source of thiamin, niacin, and vitamin B6, all of which help the body produce energy from the food consumed. 

5. The iron content in pork tenderloin helps transport oxygen throughout the body, while its zinc content assists with wound healing and immunity development. 

6. Pork tenderloin provides an abundance of essential amino acids that support muscle growth and repair as well as promote healthy hair, skin, and nails. 

7. A 3-ounce serving contains just 0.4 grams of saturated fat and no trans fats, making it one of the leanest meats available for consumption. 

8. The omega-3 fatty acids found in pork tenderloin help decrease bad cholesterol levels which leads to better overall heart health and prevention against heart disease. 

9. The riboflavin content in pork tenderloin aids in energy production, and red blood cell function and helps break down carbohydrates into fuel for the body’s cells to use for energy production

Time for cooking tenderloin in oven for different temp

How long to cook pork tenderloin in oven at 400 per pound?

Cooking pork tenderloin in an oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit is a surefire way to create a delicious, melt-in-your-mouth dinner. For optimal results, the general rule of thumb is to cook pork tenderloin for 20 minutes per pound.

How long to cook pork tenderloin in oven at 400 covered?

Cooking pork tenderloin in an oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit covered with aluminum foil is an effective way to ensure that the meat comes out juicy and tender. For optimal results, the general rule of thumb is to cook pork tenderloin for 25 minutes per pound.

How long to cook pork tenderloin in oven at 350 per pound?

For optimal results, the general rule of thumb is to cook pork tenderloin for 25 minutes per pound.

How to cook pork tenderloin in oven at 450?

Cooking pork tenderloin in an oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit is a great way to get a juicy, succulent meal that is sure to be a hit with your family. For optimal results, the general rule of thumb is to cook pork tenderloin for 15 minutes per pound.

Checklist of ingredients for cooking pork tenderloin

how to cook pork tenderloin in oven

1. Pork tenderloin 

2. Olive oil 

3. Salt and pepper 

4. Garlic powder 

5. Paprika 

6. Brown sugar 

7. Dried oregano 

8. Ground cumin seed 

9. Chopped fresh thyme leaves 

10. Dijon mustard 

11. Red wine vinegar 

12. Honey or maple syrup

Tips on selecting the best cut of pork tenderloin

1. Select a fresh, firm pork tenderloin with pinkish-red color, free from any discoloration and slimy patches. 

2. Ensure you are purchasing a cut that is as uniform in thickness throughout as possible – this will make it easier to cook evenly. 

3. Look for a piece of pork tenderloin that has an adequate amount of fat marbling. This will provide extra flavor during the cooking process. 

4. When buying pre-portioned cuts of pork tenderloin, look for one with an even shape – if it looks like it was cut unevenly or too thick in some areas, then it may cause difficulties when cooking. 

5. If selecting boneless pork tenderloin, be sure to check the texture and make sure there are no signs of gristle or bone fragments remaining on the cut you choose. 

6. Check the sell-by date on your pork tenderloin before purchasing – this is a great way to ensure you’re getting a fresh product of quality meat. 

7. Choose organic/free-range pork whenever possible – this ensures they were raised humanely and receive proper nutrition which ultimately translates into higher quality meat for your meal preparations.

How to cook pork tenderloin in the oven at 400?

What is the best method to cook your tenderloin with foil at 400?

1. Preheat the oven to 400°F. 

2. Place a large piece of aluminum foil on a baking sheet or rack. 

3. Place your tenderloin in the center of the foil, and season it with salt and pepper as desired.

4. Fold the sides of the aluminum foil up around the tenderloin and crimp them together so that an airtight seal is formed, making sure that all of the juices remain inside during cooking. 

5. Bake in preheated oven for 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the meat, until an internal temperature thermometer inserted into the thickest part reads 145°F (medium-rare). 

6. Remove from oven and let rest for 10 minutes before serving or slicing, allowing time for juices to redistribute throughout the roast. 

7. Carefully remove aluminum foil and discard any fat or drippings left behind before slicing and serving your tenderloin with desired accompaniments.

What is the best method to cook your tenderloin without foil at 400?

Step 1: Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 2: Rub the tenderloin with a generous amount of olive oil and season it with salt and pepper, or other desired spices.

Step 3: Place the tenderloin on an oven-safe dish with a bit of liquid in it, such as white wine or beef broth. The liquid will keep the meat moist and prevent it from drying out during cooking.

Step 4: Cook the tenderloin for 20 minutes in the preheated oven. After 20 minutes, use a thermometer to check for doneness; the internal temperature should reach 145°F (63°C). If the temperature has not yet reached this mark, cook for additional 2 to 5-minute intervals until it does. 

Step 5: Once done, remove from oven and allow to rest for 10 minutes before slicing and serving. Resting allows juices in the meat to redistribute evenly throughout, yielding more flavorful results.

How do you cooking pork tenderloin without searing at 400?

Step 1: Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 2: Take the pork tenderloin out of its packaging and rinse it with cold water to remove any excess fat or grime. Pat it dry with a paper towel.

Step 3: Place the pork tenderloin on a cutting board and season it generously with salt and pepper. Optionally, you can also add other herbs or spices for more flavor.

Step 4: Place the meat in an oven safe dish or roasting pan and add in some liquid such as chicken stock, wine, beer, or even just water to create moisture. Make sure the liquid is enough to cover the bottom of the pan but not so much that it submerges the meat entirely. 

Step 5: Cover the pan tightly with aluminum foil and place it in preheated oven for 25 minutes for every pound of meat. If there’s a lot of fat on your piece of pork tenderloin, you may need to cook it longer than 25 minutes per pound so that all fat melts away. 

Step 6: After 25 minutes per pound have passed, take out your pork tenderloin from the oven and check its temperature using a digital thermometer inserted into its center. It should read at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit/62 Celsius when done cooking. 

Step 7: Let your cooked pork rest for 10-12 minutes before slicing into it and serving warm. Enjoy!

What to serve with pork tenderloin?

1. Start by selecting a complementary starch to serve with the pork tenderloin, such as roasted potatoes, mashed potatoes, or creamy polenta.

serve pork tenderloin with mashed potato

2. Select a selection of vegetables to accompany the pork tenderloin. Some popular options include roasted Brussels sprouts, honey-glazed carrots, or green beans with garlic and shallots.

3. To add some extra flavor and texture to your meal, top the pork tenderloin with a sauce or gravy of your choice; some delicious options include apple cider jus, cranberry gastrique, or red wine reduction.

4. Serve the dish with a side salad of fresh greens and veggies to provide more balance and nutrition to your meal. For added flavor, top it off with a homemade vinaigrette or other dressing of your choice.

5. For an additional side dish for variety, opt for freshly baked dinner rolls smothered in butter or grilled corn on the cob slathered in melted butter and salt. 

6. Finally, complete the meal with a crisp white wine or light beer for those who prefer something alcoholic; if you’re serving children too then opt for sparkling cider instead!

List of awesome pork tenderloin recipes

Hoisin Glazed Pork Tenderloin

This Chinese-inspired dish is a delicious combination of sweet and savory flavors, with a mouthwatering glaze of hoisin, honey, garlic, and ginger. Serve it with steamed rice and stir-fried vegetables for a complete meal. 

Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Peach Salsa

Fire up the grill for this tasty dish! The juicy pork tenderloin is marinated in lime juice, honey, and other spices, then grilled to perfection. Top it with a vibrant peach salsa featuring bell peppers, onions, and fresh cilantro for an extra boost of flavor and texture. 

Mustard Herb Crusted Roasted Pork Tenderloin

This dish is surprisingly easy to make at home! Coat the pork tenderloin in a mix of dijon mustard, herbs like oregano and thyme, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar (an acidic ingredient that helps to tenderize the meat). Roast it in the oven until cooked through and enjoy with sides like roasted potatoes or sautéed veggies. 

Brown Sugar Tomato Glazed Pork Tenderloin

Make this simple yet flavorful dish in less than 30 minutes! Start by searing the pork tenderloin on both sides in a hot pan before transferring it to a baking sheet. Then brush it with a glaze made from brown sugar, tomato sauce, and seasonings like garlic powder, onion powder, and smoked paprika for an irresistible sweet-and-sour finish. 

Bacon Wrapped Apple Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

Talk about delicious! This hearty entrée combines juicy bacon wrapped around succulent pork tenderloin that’s been stuffed full of diced apples and pecans – perfect for fall family dinners or special occasions alike. Serve it alongside roasted Brussels sprouts or your favorite side dishes for an unforgettable feast!

How to store old cooked pork tenderloin?

Step 1: Begin by ensuring that the cooked pork tenderloin has been cooled and is at room temperature.

Step 2: Place the cooked pork tenderloin in a shallow container that fits the size and shape of the meat.

Step 3: Line the bottom of the container with an absorbent material such as paper towels or parchment paper. This will help to absorb any excess moisture, thus preventing spoilage.

Step 4: Cover the cooked pork tenderloin with plastic wrap and ensure it is tightly sealed around all sides of the dish, so as to not allow air to get in.

Step 5: Place the sealed container into a refrigerator set at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below, which will help to keep it fresh longer. It is important to note that cooked pork tenderloin can last up to 4 days when stored in this manner. 

Step 6: If you wish to freeze your cooked pork tenderloin for later use, place it into a freezer-safe bag or airtight container before placing it into the freezer compartment of your refrigerator set at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower for optimal storage life (up to 6 months). When defrosting, be sure to do so safely by placing in a refrigerator overnight before using.

How long does pork tenderloin last in the refrigerator?

Pork tenderloin can last up to 3 to 5 days in the refrigerator when stored properly in an airtight container or wrapped tightly in plastic wrap. For maximum freshness, it’s best to consume pork tenderloin within 2 days after purchase. 

Some mistakes to avoid when cooking pork tenderloin in the oven at 400?

1. Not preheating the oven to 400°F – this will result in an uneven cook and dry, tough pork tenderloin. 

2. Overcooking the pork tenderloin – pork should be cooked until an internal temperature of 145°F is reached; any higher than that can make it dry and tough. 

3. Seasoning the pork with too much salt or pepper – this can lead to an overly salty finish, or worse, burn the spice making it taste bitter and acrid. 

4. Not oiling the pork prior to cooking – just a light coat of oil prevents sticking and adds flavor to the finished product. 

5. Not covering the pan with aluminum foil for half of the cooking time – this helps to keep in moisture which keeps the pork from drying out as it cooks through. 

6. Using too large of a roasting pan or baking dish – having too much space between the sides and bottom of the pan will cause hot dry air to circulate around rather than cook throughout, potentially resulting in an undercooked middle or overcooked edges on the tenderloin. 

7. Opening the oven door too often during roasting – this causes heat loss which requires longer cooking times and can lead to overcooking or uneven cooking temperatures inside your oven chamber.


Should you cook frozen pork tenderloin?

Cooking frozen pork tenderloin can be a delicious, easy way to enjoy a healthy meal. When cooking frozen pork tenderloin, it is important to thaw it in the refrigerator overnight before starting to cook.

Should you use aluminum foil for cooking pork tenderloin?

Using aluminum foil to cook pork tenderloin can be a great way to quickly and easily create a delicious, juicy dish. The foil helps to lock in the moisture, keeping the meat tender and flavorful.

Aluminum foil also helps to prevent burning, as it creates an extra layer of insulation between the pork and any hot cooking elements. When using aluminum foil for cooking pork tenderloin, make sure to use heavy-duty foil so that it doesn’t tear or puncture during the cooking process.

Additionally, use medium-high heat and preheat the oven prior to placing the pork in so that it has enough time to cook evenly without drying out or overcooking. Finally, remove the foil for at least 5 minutes of baking time at the end of cooking time for optimal browning and caramelization.

Will marinating pork tenderloin make it more tender?

Marinating pork tenderloin can definitely make it more tender! The marinade helps to break down fibers in the meat, resulting in a softer texture.

Additionally, the flavor of the marinade is absorbed into the meat during the process, so not only is the pork more tender but it will also have a more flavorful taste.

What color is a cooked pork tenderloin?

Cooked pork tenderloin is usually a rich, deep golden-brown color. It is slightly lighter than the colors of roasted or grilled beef, but still has a toasty, caramelized appearance. 


Cooking pork tenderloin in the oven is a quick and easy way to make a delicious, healthy meal. Now you had a better understanding of how long to cook pork tenderloin in oven at 400. Whether you’re cooking pork tenderloin for yourself or for your family, this method is sure to please everyone’s taste buds.