The Secret To Making Delicious Meal: How Long To Bake Pork Chops At 350?

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Are you looking for the perfect pork chop? It’s all about knowing how long to bake pork chops at 350°F. With this guide, you’ll learn the optimal cooking time and temperature for juicy, flavorful pork chops that everyone in your household will love.

Whether it’s a weeknight dinner or a special occasion meal, creating delicious dinners with ease has never been easier! Follow these simple steps and create perfectly cooked meals every single time.

How long to cook pork chops in the oven at 350?

Cooking pork chops in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit is a simple and delicious way to prepare this type of meat. For best results, pork chops should be cooked for around 18-20 minutes in total. It’s recommended to start by preheating the oven to 350°F (177°C) and then placing the pork chops on a baking sheet or dish. 

Note when you cook:

  • To ensure that the pork chops are cooked evenly, turn them over halfway through the cooking process, which should take around 10 minutes on each side.
  • It’s also essential to use a thermometer when checking the internal temperature of the meat, as it should be at least 145°F (63°C) before serving.
  • The outside of the pork chop may become slightly browned during cooking; however, you don’t want it to overcook or dry out.
  • If there is any hesitation about whether or not your pork chops are done, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and cook them for a few additional minutes rather than risk undercooking them.

How long to bake boneless pork chops at 350?

Generally speaking, boneless pork chops should be cooked for 25 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Note when you cook:

  • To ensure even doneness, use a digital thermometer to check the internal temperature of the pork chop when it is done cooking – it should read 145 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • For extra flavor and juiciness, you can season your pork chops with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and other spices before baking them in the oven. Additionally, you can brush them with olive oil or butter before cooking; both will help retain moisture in the meat as it bakes.
  • When prepping your pan or baking sheet, make sure to line it with foil or parchment paper first so that the pork doesn’t stick.
  • Lastly, be careful not to overcook your pork chops; this will result in dry and tough meat. With these simple tips in mind, you’ll have delicious baked boneless pork chops in no time!

How long to cook stuffed pork chops at 350?

Generally speaking, boneless pork chops should be cooked for 25 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Note when you cook:

  • To ensure even doneness, use a digital thermometer to check the internal temperature of the pork chop when it is done cooking – it should read 145 degrees Fahrenheit. For extra flavor and juiciness, you can season your pork chops with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and other spices before baking them in the oven.
  • Additionally, you can brush them with olive oil or butter before cooking; both will help retain moisture in the meat as it bakes. When prepping your pan or baking sheet, make sure to line it with foil or parchment paper first so that the pork doesn’t stick.
  • Lastly, be careful not to overcook your pork chops; this will result in dry and tough meat. With these simple tips in mind, you’ll have delicious baked boneless pork chops in no time!

How long to grill pork chops at 350?

The cooking time will depend on the size and thickness of the pork chop, but generally speaking, it should take around 15-20 minutes for thin pork chops, and up to 25 minutes for thicker cuts.

Note when you cook:

  • It’s important to preheat the grill so that it reaches the desired temperature before adding your pork chops. Once they are on the grill, turn them over after about 10 minutes and check for doneness by inserting a meat thermometer into the thickest part of the chop–it should read 145°F.
  • If not done yet, continue grilling until it reaches that temperature. To make sure you don’t overcook them, allow them to rest for five minutes before serving.
  • For additional flavor, brush some extra virgin olive oil on each side of the pork chops prior to grilling and season with salt and pepper. Enjoy!

How long to bake pork chops at 350 after searing?

Cooking pork chops in the oven at 350°F after searing can take some time. Generally, for boneless pork chops that are 1/2 inch thick, the total cooking time required is about 25 minutes. This includes 10-15 minutes of searing the pork chops on both sides in a hot skillet before transferring them to a baking sheet and baking them in an oven preheated to 350°F.

Note when you cook:

  • When baking pork chops at 350°F, it’s important to use an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center of the chop to make sure they have reached at least 145°F before removing them from the oven.
  • If necessary, increase your cooking time in five-minute increments until they reach this temperature. In addition to reaching a safe temperature, you should also look for an internal color that is just slightly pink.
  • Pork should not be cooked past medium doneness as doing so will result in dry and tough meat. Once your pork chops have finished cooking, allow them to rest on a plate or cutting board for 3-5 minutes before serving to ensure all their juices are properly redistributed throughout the meat.

How long to bake breaded pork chops at 350?

The optimal time to bake breaded pork chops at 350°F is roughly 25 to 30 minutes.

Not when you cook:

  • For best results, start by preheating your oven to 350°F and then begin by seasoning the pork chops with a blend of herbs and spices that suits your taste.
  • Place the seasoned pork chops in a lightly greased or oiled baking pan and insert an oven-safe thermometer into the center of the thickest chop.
  • Once the oven has reached a temperature of 350°F, place the pan in the center of the middle rack and bake for 25 minutes.
  • After 25 minutes, check the internal temperature of the meat with an instant-read thermometer – it should reach 145°F / 63°C if safely cooked through. If not quite ready, place it back in for another 5 minutes and test again until done.
  • Allow pork chops to rest before serving for maximum flavor and texture!

How long to cook bone in pork chops at 350?

Generally, for pork chops that are about 1 inch thick, you’ll want to bake them in the oven for about 25 minutes.

Note when you cook:

  • When the internal temperature of the chop reaches 145 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s ready to be served. Because the bone will help retain moisture, the meat might need a few extra minutes of cooking time beyond what would be needed for boneless cuts of pork.
  • If you’re unsure if your chops are cooked through, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature before serving. You can also test doneness by gently pressing on the chop with a fork or tongs – when it feels firm and no longer springy, it’s likely done cooking.
  • For an even juicier result, consider using an oven-safe skillet and searing each side of the chop before baking in the oven for an added level of flavor.

How long cook pork chops in oven at 350?

Depending on the thickness of the pork chops, it typically takes about 20-25 minutes to cook them in the oven at 350°F.

To maximize flavor and ensure that they are cooked thoroughly, be sure to preheat your oven before placing the pork chops inside. Additionally, take into account that thicker cuts of pork may require up to an additional 10 minutes to cook all the way through.

To ensure even cooking, flip each chop halfway through the baking time so that both sides are exposed to direct heat. Once finished, you can check for doneness by piercing with a fork or knife; if the juices run clear, then your pork chops should be ready to eat!


What’s the best way to cook pork chops to make them tender at 350?

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 2: Use a sharp knife to remove any excess fat from the pork chops. This will help them cook evenly and reduce shrinkage.

Step 3: Season each side of the pork chops with your desired spices (e.g., salt, pepper, garlic powder). 

Step 4: Place the pork chops on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil for easy clean-up.

Step 5: Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, flipping once halfway through the cook time. 

Step 6: To check if the pork chops are done, use an instant-read thermometer to check that they have reached an internal temperature of at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit. If they are not yet done, continue to bake until they reach this temperature then remove them from the oven and let sit for 5 minutes before serving. 

Step 7: To keep pork chops tender while baking, coat lightly in olive oil or melted butter before baking and/or cover with foil halfway through cooking time to lock in moisture and prevent drying out too much during high-heat cooking. Additionally, make sure not to overcook your chops as this can lead to dryness and toughness.

What is the best way to cook pork chops so they are not dry at 350?

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 2: Rinse the pork chops in cold water and pat them dry with a paper towel.

Step 3: Sprinkle both sides of the pork chops evenly with a generous pinch of salt and pepper.

Step 4: Rub the pork chops lightly on both sides with olive oil or another fat such as melted butter, canola oil, or bacon grease. This will help prevent them from drying out during cooking. 

Step 5: Place a skillet over medium-high heat and add some additional fat such as butter or oil if needed. When it is hot, place the pork chops in the skillet for about 30 seconds on each side, just to brown them slightly (this step is optional but it helps to create a nice color). 

Step 6: Transfer the pork chops from the skillet to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil. Make sure that there is space between each chop so that they have plenty of room to cook evenly without steaming. 

Step 7: Place the baking sheet onto the middle rack of your oven preheated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and bake for about 20 minutes, flipping once halfway through cooking time. To check if they are done, insert an instant-read thermometer into their thickest part; when it reads 145 degrees Fahrenheit, they are cooked through.  

Step 8: Let them sit for five minutes before serving so that they retain their moisture and juiciness; this allows the interior juices to redistribute throughout the meat before slicing into it and serving it up!

Should you bake or fry pork chops?

Both baking and frying pork chops can provide delicious meals, however, there are factors to consider when deciding what cooking method to use.

  • Baking is the healthier choice as it requires less oil and fat whereas frying the pork chops calls for more oil and often results in higher fat content. However, baking is a long process that may dry out the meat, but if cooked correctly it will remain flavorful and juicy.
  • Frying pork chops is generally a faster process, making it better suited for those who are short on time, but you must take caution as it can easily become overcooked or burned.

When preparing your pork chops in either method it’s important to marinate them beforehand to help add flavor and moisture during the cooking process.

How do I keep my baked pork chops from drying out?

Step 1: Start with high-quality pork chops. When selecting the pork chops for baking, be sure to go for ones that are fresh and have good marbling throughout. The high fat content of the marbling will help keep them from drying out during the baking process.

Step 2: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and pat your pork chops dry with a paper towel to remove any excess moisture. This will help create an even cooking surface on each side of the pork chops which prevents them from getting dried out.

Step 3: Place your pork chops on a greased baking sheet or in a lightly oiled baking pan and season generously with salt and pepper, as well as other herbs and spices if desired. 

Step 4: Cover the top of the dish or pan with foil, making sure it is tightly sealed around the edges so that steam can’t escape. This will trap moisture in while cooking and help prevent the pork chops from drying out. 

Step 5: Place the covered dish or pan into your preheated oven and bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (or until internal temperature reaches 145 degrees). 

Step 6: After 25 minutes, remove dish or pan from oven and let sit for 5-10 minutes before serving. This resting period allows any trapped heat and moisture to redistribute back into the pork chop, helping them stay tender and juicy after being cooked.

How do you keep pork chops crispy?

Step 1: Start by purchasing fresh pork chops from a trusted source. It is important to make sure that the meat is fresh and of good quality, as this will have an effect on the final outcome. If possible, purchase organic pork chops for optimal results.

Step 2: Before cooking the pork chops, it is recommended to season them with salt and pepper or any other desired spices. This will help bring out the flavor of the pork and give it some extra crispiness.

Step 3: Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and then add enough oil to cover the bottom of the skillet. Allow the oil to get hot before adding in your pork chops and sauté each side until they are golden brown in color (roughly 5 minutes per side). As you cook, turn each chop periodically to ensure even cooking on all sides. 

Step 4: Once both sides have reached a golden brown color, reduce heat to medium-low and allow them to continue cooking for several more minutes until their internal temperature reaches 145 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not forget to flip them over occasionally so that both sides are evenly cooked throughout. 

Step 5: When ready, remove pork chops from heat and transfer them onto a plate lined with paper towels or a cooling rack set over a baking sheet in order to absorb excess grease and fat from the meat. The paper towels will also help keep your pork chops crispy as they cool down. 

Step 6: To keep your pork chops extra crispy, you can place them on a baking sheet coated lightly with oil or butter before transferring them into an oven preheated at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 10-15 minutes until they reach an internal temperature of 155 degrees Fahrenheit. 

When finished, remove from oven and let sit for another 10 minutes before serving or storing away for later use.

Why are my shake-and-bake pork chops soggy?

1. The pork chops may have not been cooked in a hot enough oven; low temperatures can cause the coating to become soggy instead of crisp. 

2. If the pork chops were marinated too long, some of the moisture from the marinade could have caused the coating to become soggy. 

3. Too much oil or butter on the pork chops can make them soggy as it prevents heat from reaching the coating and causing it to become crisp and golden brown. 

4. Overbaking of the pork chops can cause them to become soggy as they absorb too much moisture, resulting in a soft texture instead of a crunchy one. 

5. If there was not enough Shake-and-Bake coating applied to the pork chops, this could also cause them to be soggy when cooked due to a lack of protection from direct heat created by baking or frying them in an oven or pan.

Should pork chops be covered or uncovered in the oven?

Baking pork chops in the oven is a delicate process that requires attention to detail. The question of whether to cover them or leave them uncovered can have a considerable impact on the final result.

When cooking pork chops in the oven, it is generally recommended to leave them uncovered during baking, as this allows heat and air to circulate evenly, resulting in a more even and juicy texture.

On the other hand, covering the pork chops could result in steam building up inside and making them soggy rather than succulent. If you choose to cover your pork chops, make sure to bake them at a lower temperature for an extended period of time so that they do not dry out.

Another option is to cover them for part of the cooking time and then uncover them for the remaining part, ensuring even cooking and avoiding too much moisture loss.

Keep an eye on your pork chops while they cook – using a thermometer can help you determine when they are done – since overcooking can lead to dryness no matter how they are cooked.

Does baking powder make pork crispy?

Yes, baking powder does help to make pork more crispy. This is because the sodium bicarbonate in baking powder is a leavening agent that helps to create pockets of gas bubbles when it comes into contact with liquids


Pork chops are a great weeknight meal because they cook relatively quickly. Now that we reach the end of how long to bake pork chops at 350, what are some of your favorite quick and easy weeknight dinners? Let us know in the comments below!